Expert Divorce Solicitor

Divorce means heading into the unknown. But with us by your side during the process, you’ll always know what to expect.

Located in London, our team of Divorce and Family Law solicitors is committed to helping you and your family through this difficult time.

That’s why, instead of watching the clock, we deliver results that are important to you. Our unique fixed-fee structure and step-by-step process is designed to make it easy for you to understand and plan for your legal costs.

Take the first step.

Schedule a FREE 1 HouCase Discovery Meeting with our London Team today

With a solicitor, call us now on:

0330 912 0180

Please note, we cannot offer Legal Aid.

How our specialist Divorce Law Solicitors can help you

Our team of top divorce and civil partnership dissolution solicitors are based in London, so they are always near and ready to help you with expert legal help.

Need an expert?

You’re in safe hands with us.

When you choose Perduco, you’ll be matched with an experienced divorce solicitor who has a clear understanding of your situation.

And because we lay out our fixed fees upfront, you’re never in danger of your legal costs spiralling out of control.

It’s that simple.

Book a confidential call today

Our Simple Process

Call us and schedule your Case Discovery Meeting with one of our expert lawyers.

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unmarried-couples-separation Order for Disclosure of a Child's Whereabouts Dissolution of Civil Partnerships Varying or Discharging a Divorce Financial Order Occupation Orders TOLATA Applications
unmarried-couples-separation Dissolution of Civil Partnerships Varying or Discharging a Divorce Financial Order Occupation Orders TOLATA Applications

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