Order for Disclosure of a Child's Whereabouts

Enforcing a Child Arrangement Order

We are a dynamic team of expert Family & Divorce Lawyers committed to delivering results for our clients not hours on a time sheet. Our groundbreaking innovative fee structure and stage by stage process enables our lawyers to focus on you and your family getting you the results you need whilst giving you peace of mind of knowing exactly what your legal costs are going to be.

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What can I do if the terms of my Child Arrangement Order are not being followed?

If you already have an existing Child Arrangement Order, but you feel that the terms of the order are frequently being breached or ignored, you can apply to have the existing order enforced.

Our experienced solicitors at Perduco Law will assist you with the process of making an application and enforcing its outcomes.

Make a confidential enquiry
Enforce a child arrangement order

What does the court take into account when considering making an Enforcement order?

The court’s primary consideration is the welfare of your child who is subject to the existing order.

Before making an enforcement order, the court must: 

  • Be satisfied that the enforcement order is necessary to secure the person’s compliance with the existing order. 
  • Be satisfied that the likely effect on the person of the proposed enforcement order is proportionate to the seriousness of the breach of the order.  
  • Be satisfied that the person in breach who is ordered to undertake unpaid work can do so in the local area in which they reside.  
  • Obtain and consider any information about the person in breach and the likely effect of the enforcement order upon them.  

What will the court do if the application for Enforcement of the Child Arrangement Order is successful? 

The court has the power to make an enforcement order imposing unpaid work upon the party in breach.  

Can I receive compensation for financial loss caused by the other parties’ non-compliance with the Child Arrangement Order? 

Although often hesitant to do so, the court may make an order requiring the party who is in breach of the order to pay you compensation for your financial loss if: 

  • The other party has failed to comply with the existing order; 
  • You have suffered reasonable financial loss because of the breach.  

Our Simple Process

unmarried-couples-separation Vary or discharge child arrangement order Order for Disclosure of a Child's Whereabouts Grandparents Rights Dissolution of Civil Partnerships
unmarried-couples-separation Order for Disclosure of a Child's Whereabouts Dissolution of Civil Partnerships Varying or Discharging a Divorce Financial Order Occupation Orders TOLATA Applications
unmarried-couples-separation Dissolution of Civil Partnerships Varying or Discharging a Divorce Financial Order Occupation Orders TOLATA Applications

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For the court to be able to enforce the existing Order, a warning notice must appear on the face of the Order.

This notice outlines the consequences of failing to comply with the Order.

In the event that the existing Order does not have a warning notice, a separate application for a warning notice will need to be made.

We offer a fixed-fee service to safeguard you from the mounting hourly fees that a traditional legal firm may surprise you with. We also believe it promotes a transparent relationship between our team and you, the client.

Your dedicated caseworker does all the legal legwork for the full duration of your case. We will keep you informed of any changes and advise you on the next steps to ensure there are no surprises.

The court will make an enforcement order if satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that a person has failed to comply with the existing Child Arrangement Order.

The court will not make an enforcement order if it is satisfied that a person has a reasonable excuse for failing to comply with the provision of the Order.

You can apply to enforce your Child Arrangement Order if you are an individual named within the order.

The following criteria must also apply:

A Warning Notice must be attached to the order

Your Child Arrangement Order must already contain a ‘Warning Notice’. This sets out the consequences of failing to comply with the order.

An enforcement order can only be made by the court if the existing order contains the warning notice.

Non-compliance with the Child Arrangement Order

Secondly, the individual named in the order has to have broken – or not adhered to – the Child Arrangement Order without a reasonable excuse.

If the criteria are met

If the above criteria are met then you – or a solicitor acting on your behalf – can apply to the court to enforce the terms of the Child Arrangements Order. In your application you will need to explain the nature and the timing of any breach of the order.

Perduco Law can help you to enforce your Child Arrangement Order; we are ready to assist you in each of the stages described here.

Questions about our Child Law Services

We charge a fixed fee for our service. That means you know exactly what you’re going to pay before starting the process, regardless of how long it lasts. Furthermore, we are a firm of regulated solicitors (regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority) meaning there are more protections for you as our client.

Your dedicated caseworker will do all the legal legwork for the full duration of your case. We will keep you informed of any changes and advise you on the next steps to ensure there are no surprises.

We offer a fixed-fee service to safeguard you from the mounting hourly fees that a traditional legal firm may surprise you with. We also believe it promotes a transparent relationship between our team and you, the client.

For personalised legal assistance

Perduco Law will provide expert advice and case management for a fixed fee.